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#313689 You Can Create “My Castles” In The New Fire Emblem For Nintendo 3DS

Posted by Marcus on 02 June 2015 - 03:12 PM in General Gaming

As unbearable as that girl's voice was in that video, this looks like a rather nice addition.


I too enjoyed Colony 6 as a sidequest. Great idea.

#308607 Your Top 5 or 10 DS Games

Posted by Marcus on 10 February 2015 - 04:59 AM in General Gaming

1. Phantom Hourglass

2. Chrono Trigger

3. Advance Wars: Dual Strike

4. Final Fantasy IV

5. Super Mario 64 DS


Such a great library to choose from. Glad to see the 3DS will probably outdo it by the end of its lifespan, in game variety if not sales.

#299534 Your Top 5 or 10 DS Games

Posted by Marcus on 01 October 2014 - 08:11 AM in General Gaming

1. Phantom Hourglass

2. Chrono Trigger

3. Radiant Historia

4. Mario 64 DS

5. Final Fanatasy IV


The DS was such a great platform, despite having almost hideous graphical capabilities! Definitely go with Phantom Hourglass before anything else imo. If it wasn't for

the annoying revisting temple, it'd be one of my favourite Zeldas.

#311593 Zelda Wii u delay = NX launch title?

Posted by Marcus on 07 April 2015 - 12:16 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Bear in mind we still don't know what the NX is. If it's somehow continuous with the prexisting hardware, as one of the images seemed to weakly suggest, it's quite possible the later Wii U games will be used as "launch titles".

I really don't care at this point, I only care that it's coming to the Wii U as that's one of the main reasons I bought the console. The odds of them cancelling it for the Wii U are extremely small I'd say, given how much work they've put into developing it on the platform.

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