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#287979 Wii U hardware sales up 666% in UK

Posted by Chronozoah on 03 June 2014 - 02:12 PM in Wii U Games and Software

How could you ever think otherwise?

Probably something irrelevant and inconsequential like differing opinions, perhaps.


I'm not particularly surprised. Nintendo had to release something eventually that would start seriously gaining momentum, and it's also not particularly surprising that Mario Kart was that something. I of course hope they can maintain this momentum with a string of quality releases throughout the year, and with Hyrule Warriors, Bayonetta 2, 'X' and Super Smash Bros. 4 in the pipeline, that may very well be the case.

#288083 Wii U hardware sales up 666% in UK

Posted by Chronozoah on 04 June 2014 - 04:28 AM in Wii U Games and Software

As was I. You will become accustomed to this in future, perhaps. Then again, perhaps not. Either way.


>>sarcasm mode deactivated

#288096 Wii U hardware sales up 666% in UK

Posted by Chronozoah on 04 June 2014 - 06:25 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Assume that every post of mine is sarcastic or made playing devil's advocate.


including this one

#287992 Watch_Dogs sold over 4 millions units during its first week

Posted by Chronozoah on 03 June 2014 - 03:07 PM in General Gaming

It's because they hyped the crap out of a mediocre game with good critical reception and it's (unsurprisingly) still selling.

#287978 Watch Dogs coming to Wii U this Autumn

Posted by Chronozoah on 03 June 2014 - 01:57 PM in Wii U News

Delaying the game on Wii U until a time-frame within which several other high profile titles are potentially releasing, months after the releases on all other platforms is most certainly conducive to attaining decent sales figures, the lack of which they will probably use as an excuse to continue withholding support and somehow not attribute to their unfortunate method of handling the situation. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Less effort results in less sales, less sales results in less effort. We must simply confront the reality (again) that 3rd parties will be reluctant to support the Wii U and that even token efforts such as this will be mostly futile, and likely inferior in some capacity.


I wasn't particularly interested in Watch Dogs anyway. I'm less than uninterested in a Wii U version arriving later.

#288156 Ubisoft the game review

Posted by Chronozoah on 04 June 2014 - 02:26 PM in General Gaming

@Ryudo: I see. Well, the final version of your post certainly reflects that better than the versions preceding it. Your original variant was quite scathing. ;)


@Hunter: They made a somewhat legitimate (if incredibly exaggerated) point, drawing attention to the irony of the situation. Your post honestly reads like you're grasping at straws and making assumptions, but whatever. It seems like you're taking the situation far too seriously (which ironically may very well be what that user wanted). 


Just bare in mind that leaping into defensive mode because someone slighted a franchise and presuming them a fanboy is also a trait commonly found in fanboys.

#288126 Ubisoft the game review

Posted by Chronozoah on 04 June 2014 - 09:09 AM in General Gaming


Blah blah blah edit edit

I see that you edited your original post out. And then edited the edit out. Can I assume that we're content with pretending that abortion of a post never happened? I mean, why so serious?

Assume that every post of mine is sarcastic or made playing devil's advocate.


including this one

Protip: Don't take my posts seriously, especially not with some ironic and unintelligible life-lesson. 




This is more like it!

#288115 Ubisoft the game review

Posted by Chronozoah on 04 June 2014 - 08:21 AM in General Gaming

Sure, than after your review go purchase a sense of humor .  :laugh:

If only we all had a shining sense of humour like yours and we could all laugh at this predictable (and lengthy) joke. I probably would derive amusement from this if it wasn't incredibly ironic and the mannerisms akin to beating a dead horse at this point. This topic will probably serve it's purpose of making the same groups laugh at the same types of jokes at the same peoples' expense, then everyone will forget it ever existed until the next time this type of joke is made, rinse and repeat. Thankfully there don't seem to be hostilities in this case, hopefully it remains that way.

You're really comparing Ubisoft's yearly franchises to Mario games? Besides the Super Mario Bros. series they all have quite different gameplay mechanics.

I disagree with this article because Ubisoft do have some decent games but your comments just make you sound like a Ubisoft fanboy.

Yeah, could we possibly cut this out? This topic (which is already potential flame-bait) will get real old real fast if people start throwing around terms like 'fanboy' just to validate one viewpoint or another, appropriately or otherwise. Nothing about that comment in particular would immediately identify that poster as a Ubisoft fanboy. Perhaps they have an open mind. Perhaps they simply want to play contrarian. Or, perhaps they are simply tired of this egregious back and forth between fanbases over nonsense.


I'm just going to head off and write an article about why Mario is crap formatted as a joke and anyone who disagrees is a fanboy with no sense of humour, k?

#287989 After the Update Today (5.0) my wii games only play in green and pink

Posted by Chronozoah on 03 June 2014 - 02:56 PM in Wii U Hardware Help

It is not possible to remove the data from previous firmware updates.


Your issue is certainly a peculiar one. It is probably wise at this stage to contact customer support and see if they can shed any light on the situation.

#288084 12-Year-Olds Stab Friend For ‘Slender Man

Posted by Chronozoah on 04 June 2014 - 04:30 AM in The Café

It would be poetic irony if Slender Man somehow materialized and brutally disemboweled them. Ultimately though, little more than this needs to be said:

lol, idiots.

Artfully put.

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