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There have been 27 items by Super Smash Bros (Search limited from 25-September 23)

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#299563 Bayonetta 2 is not doing so well

Posted by Super Smash Bros on 01 October 2014 - 03:12 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Yes you right HW did really well in the west, Bayonetta 2:first print edition has sold out in game and Nintendo official UK store and shopto.net is on pre-order at no.1, I was amazed all multi format chart.

#299561 How Can Nintendo Fix Third Party Support?

Posted by Super Smash Bros on 01 October 2014 - 02:52 PM in Wii U Games and Software

The third party support on wiiu will not get any better because of the system hardware, both other 2 platforms won't have this problem, anything will sell on them systems, I do say Nintendo is very powerful system for Nintendo Games but for third party it's not.


I personally don't buy third party my games myself, Nintendo makes the best games in the world, yes just one developer can not succeed everyone has to take part, Nintendo won't have a chance coming back on next system, I tell you right now if this machine can't do anything it's all over, it won't help releasing another console already base is stronger on Sony & Microsoft, Aim of this game only one platform will stay alive and will lead the games on one system, Nintendo will be first one to lose this game and next will be Microsoft and finally Sony will win this competition.


When Sega dreamcast was out their were few business saying that the letter S will win, was it Sega or Sony and of course it was Sony and let Microsoft & Sony battle it out to the end and Sony will win without any doubt, already PS4 is the best selling console so you know, whose winning right now. 

#299556 Bayonetta 2 is not doing so well

Posted by Super Smash Bros on 01 October 2014 - 02:36 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Bayonetta 2 was no. 3 last week, this week is at no.12 it's dropping lower in the chart just in week it's really bad news not many publishers supported the game apart from sega and lot of support from Nintendo, as lot of people are not very happy the sales of wiiu of this game and want to see this game on other 2 platforms, I'm afraid that's not going to happen because when platinum games need support and publishers no one came forward apart from Nintendo so because of this Nintendo got the game and other 2 didn't.

The funny thing bayonetta is at no.12 and fatal frame no. 7, it's selling better and bayonetta 2 is much better game than fatal frame, oh somebody tell me what is going on, this going really crazy and plus bayonetta had starfox flying section levels that is one of the best thing ever in bayonetta game and fox mc cloud outfit doing foxy moves and gun style firing.

#299479 Has anyone got Hyrule warriors yet

Posted by Super Smash Bros on 30 September 2014 - 03:14 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Lot of people here are enjoying this game, that's really great for me is one of the best warriors series game yet and plays like a dream, excellent characters from Zelda series, great music and stunning stages from each game also the dlc coming out has master quest in October that should be awesome, dlc will make more people buy this game, the dlc are really stunning from October, November, January, February each one has incredible dlc coming out for Hyrule Warriors, let's rock for this action/ fighter on Wiiu.

#298770 4 of the biggest games of 2014 for Wiiu

Posted by Super Smash Bros on 18 September 2014 - 12:12 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Hyrule warriors out on September 19th 2014

Bayonetta 2 24th October 2014

Sonic Boom 21st November 2014

Super smash bros - No date for Europe,us 24 November 2014


As you can see each month Big N is releasing top titles for this year Hyrule warriors Top sellers no.1 game at shopto.net

and bayonetta 2 has become no.1 few times for multiformat charts then Sonic Boom it's wiiu exclusive game, it hasn't come in charts at the moment not even no. 10 then finally no introduction is needed the game will sell than any Wiiu games and will become best game on the system will sell many machines and end the year 2014, I wonder if it will be game of the year, only time will tell. 

#298768 FAST RACING NEO... first screenshots!

Posted by Super Smash Bros on 18 September 2014 - 12:02 PM in Wii U Games and Software

This game was on the wii and had bad controls and was not very playable, game overall was fun to play, I only downloaded the demo never bothered to buy it, I hope this will be better and fun to play.

#298767 Has anyone got Hyrule warriors yet

Posted by Super Smash Bros on 18 September 2014 - 11:59 AM in Wii U Games and Software

The challenge mode is pretty difficult, I can't complete the first stage.

The game is very good for new type of Zelda game, thanks to the developers for bringing out this new idea with lot of characters plus all the stages, we all know of, the scarf is amazing and good for cold weather.

#298747 DEBUNKED MH4U Wii U :(

Posted by Super Smash Bros on 18 September 2014 - 06:09 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Just wait a bit there were be announcement soon releasing MH4U coming to Wiiu if 3 can come, why not 4.

#298746 Has anyone got Hyrule warriors yet

Posted by Super Smash Bros on 18 September 2014 - 06:05 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I just got my Hyrule warriors: Limited edition on Wednesday17th September, I was so surprised that I had a big box on my cupboard, I knew it was the game at the bottom left it said Nintendo, I ordered this games from Nintendo official UK store.


I liked the scarf it was warm and nice to wear plus the games has beautiful graphics and good wealth of game modes at the moment I have only unlocked impa and dlc coming in October with dark link outfit, playable characters Cia, Volga, wizardo (I don't how to spell his name).

#298495 US Hyrule Warrior TV Commercial

Posted by Super Smash Bros on 13 September 2014 - 02:39 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Nice one us commercial,it's time to fight.

#298203 Xenoblade Chronicles X - Gamepad - Dev Speaks About Useage

Posted by Super Smash Bros on 08 September 2014 - 02:35 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I have xenoblades chronicles x skins for gamepad and wiiu console.


The game is pretty good, when they showed it on e3 Nintendo treehouse.

#298199 What is your Top 3 or 5 favorite Wii U games?

Posted by Super Smash Bros on 08 September 2014 - 02:24 PM in Wii U Games and Software

My top 5 are:


1) Mario Kart 8 

2) super Mario 3d world

3) Zelda windwaker HD

4) Nintendo Land

5) Tekken Tag Tournament 2

#298195 Bayonetta 2-First Print Edition Sold Out

Posted by Super Smash Bros on 08 September 2014 - 02:13 PM in Wii U Games and Software

More good news Nintendo official uk store has completely sold out of Bayonetta 2-first print edition this game is becoming a fast seller, it's amazing.

This game has more than month to go the sales will increase till release and I have to see the number, I'm not even bothered about the sales it's the best action game for 2014 on any platform.


At the moment Hyrule warriors is set to release very soon another great action game with swords and magic, this is quite special one, I'm sure this will sell well too, Wiiu games are selling fast, this console end of the year will become everyone's favourite console and watch out for super smash bros to win everything for 2014, Go Nintendo.

#298009 Bayonetta 2 Nintendo Direct

Posted by Super Smash Bros on 05 September 2014 - 01:28 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Well already game.co.uk has sold out on B2:first print edition that was fast.

The best pack is first print edition and that's why it selling fast, seriously it's an amazing pack to buy and I ordered mine from Nintendo official uk store, they still have them in stock, eventually they will be sold out soon.

#298008 Bayonetta 2-First Print Edition Sold Out

Posted by Super Smash Bros on 05 September 2014 - 01:23 PM in Wii U Games and Software

This is excellent news Bayonetta 2-first print edition has completely sold out at game.co.uk, which is showing this game is becoming popular closer to it's release date and on the other hand Hyrule warriors: limited edition has been sold out from Nintendo official uk store and game.co.uk this game proving to be great success.


It's becoming clear Hyrule warriors:Limited edition and Bayonetta 2:first print edition are good sellers and are system sellers, just like Mario kart 8.

#296321 Youtube doesn't show my account

Posted by Super Smash Bros on 19 August 2014 - 02:18 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm trying to say My account shows up in Nintendo consoles and when go into youtube on pc, it tells you to sign in and when I enter my username and password it doesn't show my account anymore.


I need to add some videos and upload them to my account but I can't do that because my account doesn't show up in my pc.

#296303 mario kart 9

Posted by Super Smash Bros on 19 August 2014 - 08:50 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Why are we talking about Mario kart 9, we really don't  need it, as we have 8 is a well polished game and happy with it and play nearly everyday.


This is off-topic and no one beats Nintendo gaming, I'm Strictly play only Nintendo consoles.


Nintendo has the best games of any developer, look below:


1) Best Platformer

    Super Mario 3D World (Wiiu)


2) Best Racer

    Mario Kart 8 (Wiiu)


3) Best Space Combat

    Starfox Final Assault (GC)


4) Best Fighter

    Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii)


5) Best Futuristic Racer

    F-Zero GX (GC)


6) Best RPG

    The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker HD (Wiiu)


7) Best Climax

    Bayonetta 2 (Wiiu)


8) Best Action/Fighter

    Hyrule Warriors

#296193 Wii U sales

Posted by Super Smash Bros on 18 August 2014 - 08:18 AM in Wii U News

Dynasty warriors is very popular games for starters and then there is the Zelda characters, which are legends in their own right and having both franchises in one game is going to be double the sales can lead to a system seller, both franchises are extremely popular and where I live it's no.1 pre-order game and is selling better than Mario Kart 8 here, it's good thing that MK8,Hyrule Warriors both are best games of 2014 for Wiiu, Hyrule Warriors might shift few more consoles and people who had the wiiu before and bought MK8 bundle are going to buy this game and if there are people who still don't own Wiiu console now the time to buy MK8 bundle with Hyrule Warriors plus remember Wiiu 2014 releases are coming soon inc. Bayonetta 2, Sonic Boom, Super Smash Bros.


Hyrule Warriors such a highly recommened game for the answer is Dw universe, Zelda characters and stages local Co- Op mode having own screen is best thing in Zelda game ever, above all Ganondorf is playable and DW/Zelda mixes so well this has to be the best action/adventure game for 2014.


Bayonetta 2 is an great game it only has one playable character likes of HW, Sonic Boom have other characters playable, it makes B2 a bit disappointing game, chances are B2 might be a average seller because one playable character and no local co-op mode makes the game really basic, just having hd graphics and new adventure doesn't mean it's a good game, B1 was just like this and they have kept the second one the same and for these reasons it will be average seller.


Note: Nowadays games have Playable character, Local Co-Op, online modes and Bayonetta 2 doesn't have any of this.

#296188 Youtube doesn't show my account

Posted by Super Smash Bros on 18 August 2014 - 08:04 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I have 3dsxl & wiiu consoles both show my account and I have 2 accounts the one I use is called sukhi2000 that works and is signed on both of my

beloved Nintendo consoles, when I go to my pc and click sign up it shows only my one account and  that usually happens usually, when account is removed but I don't understand one thing, why is that account still running on the both consoles.

#294363 Wii U sales

Posted by Super Smash Bros on 28 July 2014 - 07:22 AM in Wii U News

The sales will increase rapidly with upcoming games inc. Hyrule warriors will sell out quickly pre-orders on this game are hot, it will be next system seller then Bayonetta 2 is not doing well at the moment, when the date comes closer it should improve then captain toad will be next big game and Toad character will be famous as Mario & Link this game will sell loads then Sonic Boom this game is love or hate and it's hard to say anything about this one at the moment, it's not in the charts for pre-orders, finally Super Smash Bros will be another system seller and it will sell a lot considering this will be game of the year and win Christmas no.1 the wiiu system will have powerful sales Just before Christmas 2014 and watch PS4/Xboxone struggling to beat this. (Release date rumoured is 21st November 2014.)

#294318 Bayonetta 2 Screenshots

Posted by Super Smash Bros on 27 July 2014 - 03:56 PM in Wii U Games and Software

The date for Bayonetta 2 can be correct as they always say it's Oct 2014, well their is no date.

#294315 Bayonetta 2 Screenshots

Posted by Super Smash Bros on 27 July 2014 - 03:52 PM in Wii U Games and Software

This game has epic battles and new style of gameplay.

Question is will this game sell well the answer is no, looking at all console format pre-orders it's not even at no.10, maybe things might change, when date is getting closer it's looking really bad only game is doing well is Hyrule Warriors.

Note: Only 2 games are selling well Mario Kart 8 & Pre-Order of Hyrule warriors for 2014.

#294312 Bayonetta 2 Screenshots

Posted by Super Smash Bros on 27 July 2014 - 03:37 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Bayonetta 2 does have epic battles and plays like a dream.
Will this game sell well, right now I have to say it won't, by looking the pre-orders the game isn't very high in all console format, just good enough for Wiiu chart, things might get better as the date is getting nearer at the moment it's looking really bad, only game that is doing well is Hyrule Warriors.

Game is set to be released 21st November 2014 and it has been delayed.

Note: Only 2 games are sell well Mario Kart 8 & Pre-order of Hyrule Warriors.

#294306 Hyrule Warriors

Posted by Super Smash Bros on 27 July 2014 - 03:16 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I have played Warriors Orochi 3 hyper on Wiiu and that game has characters from Dynasty warriors,Samurai warriors, it was a fantastic game from start to finish the last level was epic with awesome soundtrack.


Dynasty warriors action with Zelda characters mixes so well and it's first time we going to get these 2 top franchises together in this epic game, the good thing here is people who enjoyed dynasty warriors battlefield action game is one side and second Zelda series characters are playable, this brings both games in one game, which is double the fun and dynasty warriors fans and Zelda fans get join the fun in one game instead of playing dynasty warriors with original characters above all you get to play levels from the Zelda games, which is kinda cool to me.


It's good game made by Tecmo/Koei and Eiji Aounama giving his awesome characters to make this great masterpiece in it's own right.

#293766 N64 coming to WiiU

Posted by Super Smash Bros on 19 July 2014 - 03:36 PM in Wii U News

Seriously, I hate this game and what boring gameplay.

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