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#270470 Wii U 3rd party support

Posted by Happy Monk on 04 February 2014 - 09:33 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I've already got Lego City Undercover, Need For Speed, Assassin's Creed 3 + 4, Zombi U, Tekken, Ninja Gaiden 3, Splinter Cell, Call of Duty Black Ops II, Arkham City + Origins, Sonic Lost World + All Stars Racing Transformed, Deus Ex, Rayman Legends and Tank Tank Tank. Hoping to get Darksiders 2 and Injustice soon.


I've been good to third parties and I suggest other people follow suit.

#202788 Wii U will miss out on Madden NFL for 2013

Posted by Happy Monk on 02 May 2013 - 03:44 AM in General Gaming

While a lot of people don't play madden, a lot of people do. I for one love sports games (real football games however, not this phoney baloney American Football rubbish).

It's quite a blow when Nintendo has received Madden games since 1991, and this one is the 25th anniversary version, It would not take much to quickly port it to the Wii U to keep some fans happy would it?

I'm just wary that we won't get FIFA 14 or the (hopefully) inevitable FIFA World Cup game. I have got every World Cup game since 1998 and have no plans of stopping this (a new world cup game is like a new Zelda game for me).

#278678 Assassins Creed Comet WiiU (among others) Rumor

Posted by Happy Monk on 26 March 2014 - 04:46 PM in Wii U Games and Software

What will  the  setting be? Revolutionary America again? If so, no buy. I also didn't buy Revelations and Brotherhood.


I want  Unity for  Wii U. The French revolution is pretty interesting.

The French Revolution is a very interesting era for Assassin's Creed.


I hope this new one is not revolutionary America again. Although it is apparently a sequel to Assassin's Creed III, hopefully it should be better fun.


And hopefully much, much less edgy.

#278737 Assassins Creed Comet WiiU (among others) Rumor

Posted by Happy Monk on 27 March 2014 - 06:29 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I loved III's setting but it's also been done in Liberation, which makes it overdone imo.  They've also overdone Italy.


There are so. Freaking. Much. Interesting settings and era's for the series, they shouldn't stick  to the same. Why not make a game in London, during the industrial  revolution? Or a game in Russia?

The best thing about III was its setting. Everything else kinda let it down.

#205476 Post Your Favorite MiiVerse Screen Capture

Posted by Happy Monk on 09 May 2013 - 09:21 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Here's one of my brother's:



Sorry, I have no idea how to post images and such...

#205547 Post Your Favorite MiiVerse Screen Capture

Posted by Happy Monk on 09 May 2013 - 03:36 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I just go to MiiVerse on my web browser, save image as and then upload here by attaching to post. Thanks for sharing !

Cheers, I'll give it a try at some point in the future.

#236321 What do you think Nintendo should do after that horrible news of 7-31-13

Posted by Happy Monk on 01 August 2013 - 01:41 AM in General Gaming

A price drop would achieve something, but people really are just waiting for the games.

So what Nintendo should do is continue there plans for this year (the games coming out for Christmas), introduce new bundles - one with Mario 3D World would sell well - and advertise the thing! They need to advertise and show people that this new generation is already here because I'm pretty sure no-one in the UK has the foggiest what a Wii U is.

#241505 fighting game community makes Nicalis drop 3DS game to develop it for Vita

Posted by Happy Monk on 25 August 2013 - 02:11 PM in General Gaming

I really don't understand why they couldn't just make it for both consoles?


The "incredibly overwhelming response from the fighting gaming community" must have been really overwhelming to make them drop a game that's been in development for the 3DS for over a year...


This industry....

horsing Face Palm.


#240229 is it too late to cancel ps4 preorder?

Posted by Happy Monk on 19 August 2013 - 05:33 AM in General Gaming

You can always cancel pre-orders (until the thing is dispatched). If you're worried about space, the XBOX One seems bigger.

#220250 Nintendo "Feels Good" About How It Stacks Up Against Sony And Microsoft

Posted by Happy Monk on 12 June 2013 - 08:33 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Mario 3D World, Mario & Sonic, Sonic Lost World, Wii Party U, Wii Fit U and Donkey Kong Country Returns: Tropical Freeze will all sell the system to the masses and Mario and Donkey Kong will push a few for other people as well (those who are simply waiting for games).


The Wii U will do fine this Christmas, and with Mario Kart 8 launching next spring, Wii U sales will be pushed even further.


Don't expect a huge world of difference, just a big boost in sales and popularity. This time next year, I expect we'll see the Wii U with sales of around 10 million, which is more than enough for a year and a half.

#228849 July Banner Poll

Posted by Happy Monk on 04 July 2013 - 03:21 PM in Site News and Feedback

It should be one of the Pikmin ones, to go with the game coming out finally!

Bayonetta can wait in line with the rest.

#226497 Do you prefer 3ds original or the XL?

Posted by Happy Monk on 26 June 2013 - 03:45 PM in General Gaming

I have an ambassador Aqua Blue, which won't go. If it ever breaks I will probably just upgrade to an XL (I loved my DSi XL).

Although I prefer how the original 3DS looks in terms of design.

#210108 PC Version of FIFA 2014 Will Not Use Ignite Engine

Posted by Happy Monk on 22 May 2013 - 12:02 PM in General Gaming

A stupid choice that will annoy people. That's EA for you!

#275957 Child of Light

Posted by Happy Monk on 05 March 2014 - 04:38 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Looks like a good game. I thought it was just for Xbox One, PS4, PC and Wii U - when were the 360 and PS3 added to that list?

#251616 Awesome new SM3DW screenshots

Posted by Happy Monk on 16 October 2013 - 06:05 AM in Wii U Games and Software

It's such a beautiful game.

#268599 What in the world is going on with Watch Dogs?

Posted by Happy Monk on 25 January 2014 - 12:02 PM in General Gaming

I don't really know what's going on with the game, but by now surely most people have lost at least some interest, and others have gathered more hype meaning the game will go down as a disappointment.

#248109 What I dislike about the WiiU

Posted by Happy Monk on 26 September 2013 - 04:07 AM in General Gaming

That's with my brother...... Comes out to be around an hour a day for each....

Ah, now it makes more sense.

#211750 RE-HYPING E3

Posted by Happy Monk on 27 May 2013 - 09:41 AM in Wii U Games and Software

All it needs is Miyamoto dressed as a Nintendo character.

#243686 Keiji Inafune(creator of Megaman) makes a Kickstarter

Posted by Happy Monk on 02 September 2013 - 02:12 PM in General Gaming

Inafune left capcom because they treated him like dirt.

He neither owns, nor recieves royalties for, nor has any of the profits for the ip's he created for capcom over the years, which is one of many reasons he, and many others, left.

I know... As I said earlier, kind of a jokey comment.

#230501 A WUF Forum member was potentially molested/raped by his parents tonight.

Posted by Happy Monk on 10 July 2013 - 10:30 AM in The Café

I hope this all gets sorted out. I really do.

#234836 Rayman Legends coming to PC

Posted by Happy Monk on 25 July 2013 - 02:04 PM in General Gaming

Oh great, now i'm faced with a decision. PC or Wii U...

I find any game preferable on any console compared to the PC. Wii U seems the obvious choice.

#243426 Keiji Inafune(creator of Megaman) makes a Kickstarter

Posted by Happy Monk on 01 September 2013 - 08:36 AM in General Gaming

It's definitely not Mega Man. Honest.


But why does Inafune need the money? Surely he's got enough...

#243598 Keiji Inafune(creator of Megaman) makes a Kickstarter

Posted by Happy Monk on 02 September 2013 - 07:55 AM in General Gaming

You guys really have no concept of what it costs to make a game of the quality they are talking about.

Id go so far as to say there is no way they can match the fidelity/quality of the target art they provided for a megaman sized game at that price. Like no way in hell they can do it for that cheap.

It cost labzero 600,000 dollars just to create a new character for skull girls. And they accounted for every penny in a breakdown.

They are either lying about the quality of the game not being a retro 8/16 bit throwback (which I very much doubt) or are paying for a large chunk of it themselves as well.

It was kind of a jokey comment, so yeah...

I can imagine very well how much it would cost to create a game - particularly one of high visual fidelity. I was just questioning why Inafune would need kickstarter money as I imagine him to have plenty of his own. If he doesn't, fair enough.

#232055 Why is NintendoLand panned as bad?

Posted by Happy Monk on 16 July 2013 - 08:32 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I actually enjoy it quite a lot, single-player and multi-player. But the best ones are Mario Chase, Luigi's Ghost Mansion and Animal Crossing: Sweet Day - which are all multiplayer only, so I can see why people would not enjoy it a huge amount without people to play it with.

#247784 What I dislike about the WiiU

Posted by Happy Monk on 24 September 2013 - 08:52 AM in General Gaming

What I like about the Wii U:


The fact that Nintendo is making similar games to those on the 3DS; the games available on the 3DS are some of my favourite games, does it matter if Nintendo are trying to replicate the quality and success of their 3DS games in bigger and better sequels for the Wii U?


The fact that there are other games; Pikmin 3, Game and Wario, Nintendo Land and Wonderful 101 are truly unique (I know Pikmin is the third game in the series).


Miiverse is fantastic, and Nintendo still choose to update and improve it over time.


It has games that I could never play on the Wii such as Batman and Assassin's Creed.


The gamepad is genius, playing games like Nintendo Land, Lego City, Batman, Zombi U, Rayman Legends or actually just anything else is fantastic.


I like simplified internet, all I wanna do online is just that. Go online, all the extras are extras. I have never had a problem going online.


The account system actually works (I'm not even bothered about unified accounts as the 3DS and Wii U are different machines with different things going for them).


Finally, I have not played a bad game on the system.


All in all I am very, very pleased with my decision to purchase the Wii U and have never even come close to regretting it.

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