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Member Since 16 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Oct 19 2012 02:36 AM

Topics I've Started

What does it mean to you to be part of a community online, such as WiiUforums :)

03 December 2011 - 03:52 PM

This is very speculative, but will be a very interesting thread! It may potentially differ greatly between users too... I am interested for many reasons, and trying to get a feel for what people's opinions are and is quite important for me to know!

I'm doing a bit of writing on cultural theory and social media so some ideas on what you guys like and dislike about communities online would be really appreciated!..but just even how you guys feel about coming online to socialise would be fine as a small idea on what you feel. Anything you're comfortable saying, or to answer my question in more depth would be really great to read. My thoughts...

To start off, this forum for me is great because it means I can talk with people who potentially share the same interests as me, and where I feel comfortable. I like to watch YouTube, because I am a lad who likes to goof around sometimes I will visit different communities from time to time to get a feeling of what is going on. I like research, news, games and learning about other people, so it's win win for me wherever I go, but preference through interest will always guide me to places I would find more appropriate.

I do have a life outside of all this haha, but I socialise with friends in real-life situations more often, yet find that I learn less stuff. I am probably more lazy than I should be, but not anxious in any way that I am holding myself back from anything in my life. Sorted.

Your turn :) Thank you for your head-rants! GO!

Will Nintendo's image need to change before the release of the Wii U?

06 November 2011 - 01:22 PM

Has anyone got any ideas or speculative theories on how Nintendo seem to be managing their own brand image? There is just too much negativity surrounding Nintendo, and what, because they like to brand their business to as many people as possible? I hardly know anyone anymore that appreciates the company like I do. Even my Dad had made a point to me recently saying "You're really faithful to Nintendo aren't you?". I of course had to agree, but it was more of a moment where I noticed my own self belief in the company, and that I actually care a lot about them doing the right thing. I want to play their games for as long as I live! B) :D

They aren't spoken of much at all amongst many students I know or core-gamers, unless someone wants to criticise them. I don't think it is just because there was the lull of the Wii, or poor launch of the 3DS, but something more cultural.

If they want to appeal to a market that is now looking furthermore distant (unreachable even?), as well as newer generation of gamers having no interest, or confidence in the company...what next? Surely they can't assume they will just throw out 3rd Party support similar to what is available on 360 or PS3. A promise of addition 3rd Party support is certainly not a bad step at all, but is only really changing matters once the console is actually launched. Between now and then, some changes need to be made so to make Nintendo worth everyone's attention once more. In years to come I can expect there to be greater acceptance to the company, but I am just not feeling totally comfortable right now with the level of support they seem to have. Doesn't it bother you that people seem to negate their image?

I am beginning to wonder...yet would NOT be surprised if it would end up so!...

31 October 2011 - 05:31 AM

To put it simply, the Wii U is going to have the most influence on girls than any other 'home' console has had before.  This makes too much sense after a little thought, so I made this post.  Hello.  Although the examples we have seen for the console so far have been working titles etc, the concept for Wii U kinda seems appropriate for a female audience more than the likes of the 360 and the PS3.  

Spare a few thoughts to all the factors involved in the development of the Wii U, and what it stands for in this current time.  Can you say that it isn't quite fitting?  If examples must be made, just ask...but let's discuss first! :D

(P.S. I posted this in the Hardware part of the forum for a reason...)

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