Member Since 22 Nov 2011Offline Last Active Jul 09 2013 10:31 AM
It is happening again. The forum is slowly dying out and sadly like last time I doubt it will come back alive until E3 or a new console release.
Updated 05 Jan · 8 comments
About Me
Hey! I am nl010203! I am a rather nice guy and of course I like video games! I have a 3DS and I am almost always on this forum whenever I can. You can also almost always count on me being in on the chat room! Many people know me well over here and I like it here and that is why I joined. I really like guns just saying and anything that goes boom too! My favorite hobby is archery and tinkering with objects and seeing what I can make out of nothing! I am a straight A student and I and consider myself to be a rather nice kind of guy! I lived in China for a long time so I am not very up to date with pop culture. Well if you are reading this I will be glad to see you on the chat so come and talk with me! I always feel a little chatty!
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- Birthday February 2
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I am in a better place than you are!
Everything LoZ!!!