Member Since 13 Jun 2011Offline Last Active Apr 17 2013 06:29 PM
Sorry I haven't been on for a long time guys. Work is getting very heavy. Will be fine on the coming weekend though. AND WOAH, what happened to the site design?
Updated 27 Feb · 6 comments
About Me
My Nintendo Network ID:
There is nothing much to say really.
I've been a very long time fan of Nintendo, ever since the day I was given a NES.
It was only when SEGA had sparked the war against Nintendo was when I chose my 'allegiance'.
You could have called me a 'fanboy' for Nintendo back then.
But now I have matured and developed an expansive mind in the world of gaming; giving no hate to others not concerning Nintendo.
Now that SEGA has been defeated and Nintendo the victor, with SONY rising like a ruthless juggernaut
and Microsoft as a rogue in the dark, Nintendo will still be where I stick up my flag.
Dramatic 'About Me' aye? That's just my story concerning Nintendo.
My real 'story' however, is best kept out of the minds of others.
Achieved 'Pokey' status on; 8th April 2012
Achieved 'Hammer Bro.' status on; 7th June 2012
Achieved 'Lakitu' status on; 9th November 2012
There is nothing much to say really.
I've been a very long time fan of Nintendo, ever since the day I was given a NES.
It was only when SEGA had sparked the war against Nintendo was when I chose my 'allegiance'.
You could have called me a 'fanboy' for Nintendo back then.
But now I have matured and developed an expansive mind in the world of gaming; giving no hate to others not concerning Nintendo.
Now that SEGA has been defeated and Nintendo the victor, with SONY rising like a ruthless juggernaut
and Microsoft as a rogue in the dark, Nintendo will still be where I stick up my flag.
Dramatic 'About Me' aye? That's just my story concerning Nintendo.
My real 'story' however, is best kept out of the minds of others.
Achieved 'Pokey' status on; 8th April 2012
Achieved 'Hammer Bro.' status on; 7th June 2012
Achieved 'Lakitu' status on; 9th November 2012
Community Stats
- Group Members
- Active Posts 2,334
- Profile Views 40,605
- Member Title The Dovahkiin
- Age 36 years old
- Birthday July 24, 1988
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code
Sydney, Australia
Gaming in general, cooking and photography!
Anything Nintendo, Skyrim and more!
Contact Information
- NNID JoshuaCM