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Member Since 17 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 21 2012 11:36 AM

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21 December 2012 - 11:36 AM

I used it and it was just as I thought, sort of useless. (Whom was it that said it would stream TV from another room to your Wii U? I told you so. I told you so. I told you so. :P Okay, time to be sort of serious. xD) Yeah, I can turn on my console to have it change channels for me when my remote can do the same thing. I really do not see the value in wasting electricity having a console on to watch something being provided from my receiver. Hooray, I can post comments on Miiverse, Twitter, or Facebook while watching TV. Yet if I wanted to do that I could just use my computer or cellphone for the two if I had accounts for either & soon enough use Miiverse on either device as well. (More so my cellphone if I was going to use anything to post considering it is always on ready for a call or quick searches out and about) I guess, the only benefit would be someone cyber stalking you of what shows your watching? Though if the show is live with no advertisements are you really going to look away if you're interested in said show? Seems more like a distraction & utterly useless when watching television in my opinion.

Yes it supports DirecTV channels.

I don't know about you but I'd rather have everything on one screen/remote. Why would I not take advantage of the opportunity to meld all my devices into one user interface. I can now seemlessly switch from Netflix to TV to searching the internet, to Hulu. This sounds like a great bonus to the Wii U, it doesnt need it for me to get a Wii U but I'll take it.

In Topic: Rock Band DLC migration

11 December 2012 - 09:53 AM

Anything new on this?, I am also planning on being able to play RB3 with my downloaded songs when I get the Wii U later this month. My guess is that if it is still an issue, Rock Band could release a new game for Wii U and perhaps address the old DLC from there?

In Topic: What's your job?

08 December 2012 - 08:13 AM

I heard it from Teacher, the channel 4 TV show I think.

I bet the PE teacher at that school really appreciated he comment, lol. There are a few PE teachers out there that suck, i.e. the ones who "roll the ball out"

In Topic: What's your job?

08 December 2012 - 04:52 AM

Those who can't, teach.
Those who can't teach, teach PE. :>

lol, I've heard that before from somewhere, can't remember. I would love to see someone thrown in to my gym and have 80 students file in and they keep order and develop a successful lesson, it would be a disaster. The thing is, I get paid the same as a classroom teacher except im not miserable and grumpy like 80% of them lol. Best job in the world. After my masters I'll get paid 50K+ and have a heckova lot of time off to spend with the family, and that in itself is worth a ton, I only work 180 days a year!

In Topic: Goodbye.

07 December 2012 - 08:17 AM

"whoever" is me :)

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