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Member Since 17 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 21 2012 11:36 AM

Topics I've Started

Metroid Metal!

20 December 2012 - 12:05 PM

Holy Crap, Look Up Metroid Metal on Spotify, crazy good guitar versions of metroid songs and their actually pretty good at it.  Give it a try and then come back and praise em here.

7000 Wii Us stolen!

19 December 2012 - 09:28 AM

Was looking at this article on ign but rather make my comments here:


Alot of the peoples comments are that why would anyone steal Wii Us because their just paper weights and not worth anything and other such nonsensical comments.

The article says the police are waiting to hear about a sell of 7000 usnits and then they will find their theifs. If the thiefs are that stupid then yes they will get caught but chances are if they are capable of stealing 7000 units uncaptured with no witnesses they will have a better plan.

I want to know what your plan would be, here are my thoughts:

If the theifs are patient, they can sell them one at a time on 4 different accounts on ebay and 4 accounts on Amazon, no more than 50 units per month. They should also be sure to sell other things other than Wii U units. They could also set up an Amazon account.

What the cops should do is hunt down the serial numbers of the units if that is part of the shipping manafest, if it's not then their pretty much SOL unless they find out info from an informant. If the serial numbers are known they should be able to hunt down the source by hunting down the path that one of those Wii U's was purchased.

What do you think?

What's your job?

07 December 2012 - 08:15 AM

Just curious and I totally understand if you'd rather keep it to yourself, some of us are secret agents I understand.

I'm a Health & Physical Education Teacher for a K-5 Elementary School and have been at it for 6 years.

I also coach Cross-Country at the High School and Track & Field at the Middle School.

I'm currently pursuing my Masters in HPE at Jacksonville State University and it should give me a 5,000 raise as soon as I finish it in December 2013 :-)

How bout you guys, anybody working out there or are you still getting your education, if so, what are you planning on going into?

Just flushed my XBOX 360 down the GameStop Toilet

07 December 2012 - 05:48 AM

Yesturday I read the following article http://www.ign.com/a...s-social-gaming and was convinced that it was officially time to trade in everything I own that is XBOX to make room for the Wii U that should arrive this Christmas. I agree with the writer that the online community is full of ignorant, whiny kids that are full of themselves and completely rude. This article pretty much told me in a nutshell, "If your looking for a more mature and moderated online community that does not put up with foolishness than you will enjoy the experience of Wiiverse"

I recently had my first child and my wife is not much of a video gamer however, when I do get her gaming it is usually a Wii game. I bought the Kinect thinking the familily would enjoy that but we have probably played it 5 times since it came out and it just feels more like a gimmick.

So yesturday, I bit the Bullet and traded in my 250GB XBOX with Kinect and about 15 games and came out with COD: BOII and $240 in store credit for future games. I feel good about it and am also excited about not paying $10 amonth for GOLD anymore.

I have a sweet PC so when the next XBOX and PS come out, I'll still be able to play the blockbusters, except for the 1st party games of course but that's what friends are for :-)

Maybe it was a drastic move but I just see my xbox becomming worth less and less and dident have the patience to sell it privately, I was just ready for the divorce to be over :-)


My Mario Kart Wii League

11 October 2012 - 06:08 AM

Here is an old file I made from way back when mario kart wii was new. I made a league and this is the sheet we used to keep up with everything, I'm hoping the Wii U makes things at least a little bit easier. What do you think of it? Would you have been intrested in participating? I'm hoping to do this in the future with the WiiU, thus the name.

Attached File  Overall.jpg   185.33K   335 downloads

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