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Banjo Kazooie, Donkey Kong Country, Killer Instinct, Perfect Dark. They can perfect any game genre.
May 08 2013 02:49 PM -
Hank Hill
I would rather just have Rare's IPs back with Nintendo. Then I'll be happy.
May 08 2013 02:54 PM -
It's not rare getting back with nintendo good news, but its good news non of the less.
May 08 2013 03:39 PM

Wii U: "Haters gonna hate and hate and hate and Hate!" I'm sick of the 'Nintend00med' articles, they're doing my heading. >:(

After playing NSMBWii again, I have came to a decision that I truly prefer 2D mario games than 3D. I think it's cause they are short therefore I can play it more? I dunno lol.

A "Rare" bunny, you say? :P
If only. But yeah, I do hope they surprise us. :3
Apr 15 2013 10:12 PM

Deadly Virus
I don't see it as a way to combat the Wii U really. More Microsoft just trying to further emphasise the Xbox as a "multimedia device" or whatever they're pushing these days.
Aug 04 2012 04:03 PM -
to be honest, I don't really hate microsoft. They just suck at making video games that's all.
Aug 04 2012 05:58 PM -
Deadly Virus
I'm not too fond of them to be honest. I really liked them a few years ago though. Back when Windows 7 was coming out and the Xbox 360 was still pretty decent. Then there was the Kinect, and Windows 8.. and then everything kind of went down the drain.. :P
Aug 05 2012 03:40 AM

STUPID NEW YOUTUBE LAYOUT. It's so annoying, i wish there was an option to turn it off. If there is a lesson that Google needs to learn is that "If there isn't a problem, DON'T ***** FIX IT"

Right now it's annoying.
Most annoying thing: No more "X" button to hide uploaded videos in your subscribed channels list...
that just annoys the beep out of me -.-
Dec 02 2011 04:49 PM

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Will someone just spill the beans and tell me what this is representing?
Nov 27 2011 08:54 AM -