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Was at the oriental market when suddenly I managed to get into a conversation with strangers about how we prepared our basa fillets.

if I went to a local native store I would not call it Indian store. It's the same thing pretty in that it's just not a correct term. Many people would take great offense so just better to be correct. I know it's frustrating as terms change but just how it is.
Mar 07 2015 02:25 PM -
I suppose I'll have to consider that the next time I visit the Pakistani-Korean-Chinese-Filipino-Japanese-Vietnamese supermarket.
Mar 07 2015 02:29 PM -
Still though, I really gotta try out doing an eggwash on the basa fillet, followed by a cornmeal coating.
Mar 07 2015 02:30 PM

What's a good gaming mouse for $50 that doesn't have a billion buttons on the sides, for people with a fingertip grip?
Feb 23 2015 08:32 AM -
Steelseries is pretty good. I have the CoD one, good wire, looks nice, cost like 50-60 bucks if I remember correctly.
Feb 23 2015 11:04 AM

I needed to remind myself why I hated the League of Legends community, so I played a game.

Oh my god my Wii U gamepad did the thing where it shows advertisements even though the console is off.

I'd be less concerned about being forced to see a picture and more concerned about the fact Nintendo can turn on my controller at will.
That... that sounds so creepy...
Feb 07 2015 07:17 PM -

I got off the phone with them 15 minutes ago, and the gist of what they said was, "Lol we have a monopoly on your area, but I'll throw you a bone and only raise it to $44/month this year."
Jan 29 2015 08:12 AM -
And I doubt Google has any plans to put in the Fiber any time this century in this area.
Jan 29 2015 08:19 AM -
wow... better then nothing. yeah fiber would be nice here too... can only dream
Jan 29 2015 08:21 AM