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Expansion Pak

I found a nice PC that I like and now I just need to show it to my mom.
Sep 06 2012 03:34 PM

Expansion Pak

I seriously need to get a PC soon. Its killing me just thinking about playing Minecraft.
Sep 05 2012 03:37 PM
  • Tipzil's Photo
    Minecraft FTW!!!
    Sep 06 2012 12:29 AM
  • Dragon's Photo
    I LOVE Minecraft on Xbox. But I would definitely say to go with the PC on this one.
    Sep 06 2012 02:33 AM
  • BanjoKazooie's Photo
    I want a gaming PC too. But I have no money. And I'm getting a wii u for Christmas, so I might have to wait till next Christmas, or get a job next summer... But I would probably use that money to buy a car :(
    Sep 06 2012 03:01 AM

Expansion Pak

Alright i need some advice from people who have Black Ops and/or MW3. Soon Im getting a PC and I wanted one of those two but I cant decide which so could some people give me some advice on which one to get. Thanks!
Sep 04 2012 11:40 AM
  • Expansion Pak's Photo
    Expansion Pak
    Black ops it is. I was hoping for that one too :)
    Sep 04 2012 02:51 PM
  • Crackkat's Photo
    ^u wont regret it, and if u do, then u would have hated the others even more XP enjoy :)
    Sep 04 2012 02:56 PM
  • Expansion Pak's Photo
    Expansion Pak
    Sep 04 2012 02:58 PM

Expansion Pak

I start school tomorrow so I probably wont be able to stalk this forum as much as I do.
Sep 04 2012 09:14 AM

Expansion Pak

Regginator watches everyone on this forum. If you do anything wrong he will end you.
Sep 03 2012 05:06 PM
  • Expansion Pak's Photo
    Expansion Pak
    @Auzzie You have 24 hours to stop your wrongdoing or you will be ended.
    Sep 03 2012 05:19 PM
  • WisdomPowerCourage's Photo
    @Auzzie, now you only have 23 hours and 40 minutes.:P
    Sep 03 2012 05:41 PM
  • Xiombarg's Photo
    I guess I'm a living example of someone who hasn't been ended.
    Sep 03 2012 09:22 PM

Expansion Pak

Looks like the news frenzy stopped. Aw man...
Sep 02 2012 05:04 PM
  • BanjoKazooie's Photo
    Yeah I know... Though none of it was true it was still interesting.
    Sep 02 2012 05:28 PM

Expansion Pak

Well I have an internet connection where am currently at so Im back!
Sep 01 2012 04:58 AM

Expansion Pak

I'm going on a three day trip so i wont be here. Bye!
Aug 31 2012 09:40 PM

Expansion Pak

Lots of news today. Excellent.
Aug 30 2012 10:04 PM

Expansion Pak

Im a starting a trend. Im calling the Wii U the "U" from now on.
Aug 28 2012 02:21 PM
  • Expansion Pak's Photo
    Expansion Pak
    good good
    Aug 28 2012 03:16 PM
  • BanjoKazooie's Photo
    Well, I will be getting a U this holiday season :)
    Aug 28 2012 03:19 PM
  • Expansion Pak's Photo
    Expansion Pak
    @KillerMario awesome
    Everyone spread the trend!
    Aug 28 2012 03:23 PM

Expansion Pak

Soon Im going to be out of town for a few days so I cant be on here. Whos gonna miss me?!
Aug 23 2012 07:19 PM

Expansion Pak

I can't remeber...do we buy the Gamepad seperately or does the Wii U come with it?
Aug 22 2012 03:04 PM
  • Expansion Pak's Photo
    Expansion Pak
    Yeah I just lost brainpower for for a while and forgot if it came with the console :P
    Aug 22 2012 05:08 PM
  • Expansion Pak's Photo
    Expansion Pak
    Yeah I just lost brainpower for for a while and forgot if it came with the console :P
    Aug 22 2012 05:08 PM
  • Gruff's Photo
    It would be crazy if it didn't!
    Aug 22 2012 05:16 PM

Expansion Pak

When I get a Wii U who wants me to add them on it?
Aug 21 2012 02:17 PM

Expansion Pak

So umm anyone wanna chat?
Aug 20 2012 11:05 PM

Expansion Pak

Just watched Adventure Time and......Lady Rainicorn is PREGNANT???????????
Aug 20 2012 04:44 PM
  • Expansion Pak's Photo
    Expansion Pak
    Jakes the father. When Lady told him he said "I'm puppies?" And I guess that is adventure time speak for "I'm a dad?"
    Aug 20 2012 07:28 PM
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