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LOL Gaf is actually for a 100 dollar Wii U and then they'll buy MK8. Scumbags.
Apr 03 2014 05:18 AM
Yea, they just wouldn't buy one at all, but they use price as a way of sounding extra arrogant about it, lol... You'd think people would be adult enough to just say they're not interested in it!
Apr 03 2014 11:23 AM
Hello i am 16 years old and a junior in high school and would like some advice. I can talk to anyone else and hold a conversation decently well, but when it comes to girls im attracted to,my brain goes out the window. I get this feeling in my stomach where if i don't leave the area i'm going to have a panic attack. So in an attempt to fix this, i started to talk to them more, and ask for their numbers. Its worked with some, and others have gave...
Mar 27 2014 04:26 PM
Mar 27 2014 04:27 PM -
Blake.....are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Mar 27 2014 05:05 PM -
sorry to hear that BB.
Mar 27 2014 05:41 PM
Ya know, Titans can crush other Titans or players/NPCs when they fall... Kind of like Mario crushes enemies as he falls on them. Mariofall, it's been there all along. Respawn has stolen a Mario concept.
Mar 23 2014 08:29 PM -
Expansion Pak
Bio-terrorist. Conduit is a name that people use when they sympathize with their cause.
Mar 24 2014 03:09 AM