Community Status Updates
I started working on a new skin for Wii 2 Boards. I'm hoping to have it up and live by the end of next week.
Apr 21 2011 09:03 PM
Homer Fanboy → HaHa-No
Awwww, you changed your name! I like HaHa-No better! It is more recognizable!
Apr 21 2011 04:00 PM
Homer Fanboy
Ever said something that no matter how much you wish you could take back you couldn't?
Apr 21 2011 03:59 PM
Play4Fun, HF doesn't need to talk about it in public if he doesn't want to.
Apr 21 2011 08:26 PM
Dang, so much news is coming out about the Wii 2! Help covering it would be appreciated - feel free to apply at the main site!
Apr 21 2011 02:11 PM
It's worse for me. Both my and my computer's room are in the basement. Across from the playroom. Where either of my brothers usually have 2+ friends over. >.<
Apr 22 2011 09:27 AM -
Nah, i already learnt to live with it, 14 years is more than enough for that.
It's actually worse for me Wertville. you see, the computer room, the television room, the movies room, the playroom, AND the living room are the same room! So, either my brother is playing videogames with his two best friends and being VERY loud about it, or my sister invites her over 9000 thousand friends to see movies! And then she invites them to sleep over and do everything except sleep!
Apr 23 2011 10:30 AM
Just added Twitter and Facebook integration to the boards. You can now sync status updates and your avatar with Facebook and Twitter!
Apr 20 2011 06:15 PM
Last time, it was new Kirby and Rhythm Heaven games for the Wii. I have high hopes. :)
Apr 20 2011 06:16 PM
Feld0 → Cornelius
Welcome to Wii 2 Boards, Cornelius! Go ahead and start an introduction thread for yourself in the Lobby!
Apr 20 2011 04:04 PM