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You guys have 48 hours to make me buy a PS4, go.
Mar 08 2014 09:25 PM
  • Kokirii's Photo
    No need to be crass. I was just expressing disagreement and didn't realize you were joking
    Mar 10 2014 09:25 AM
  • Waller's Photo
    There's nothing to be said about the Wii U's library except that it's anemic. Having a bigger library than the PS4 doesn't mean much when the PS4 is the console hogging all the support. It has promise and potential to get better over time.

    What does the Wii U have? Mario Kart?
    Mar 10 2014 01:07 PM
  • Mignaga's Photo
    The Wii U has a couple of games in it's library, and a couple coming, but after a while everything's coming up PS4.
    Mar 10 2014 01:17 PM
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