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I wanna look metal but I have a babyface and short hair... what to do, except from wearing band shirts which I already do.
Mar 22 2013 01:53 AM
  • BanjoKazooie's Photo
    First, grow out hair
    Second, get in a couple of fights which involve getting your face punched.
    Mar 22 2013 02:06 AM
  • Keviin's Photo
    Could have figured the first one out.. not so sure about the second one, lol. But I have like 4 centimeters hair right now (visited barbers yesterday.. I have no serious plans to grow it just yet). how long would it take to get a decent length? The thing I'm concerned about most is that my hair will be awkward during the proces. Like, not short, but not long yet.
    Mar 22 2013 02:20 AM
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