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I really don't know.. PS4 or X1? PS4 seems more like a gaming console to me instead of a media system, and it's 100 bucks cheaper... but I usually dislike Dualshock...
Jun 20 2013 04:10 AM
  • BanjoKazooie's Photo
    That it isn't worth 500$ when you can get a PS4 for 400 which is just as good, if not better than the X1. But I guess if you enjoy halo and Xbox's online then whatever floats your boat.
    Jun 20 2013 07:20 AM
  • Keviin's Photo
    I have a gut feeling that, in the future, M$ will still try to screw us over by stealing our money. In what way I don´t know, but the way Microsoft is acting lately... I also don´t need Kinect, which I am indirectly paying for. It´s also a factor to me how what my friends buy. My cousin is a diehard PS gamer, but some of my other friends prefer Xbox..and I currently own a 360. Maybe it´s just a bit scary to move on, but 500 for a console is ridiculous. I won´t buy a next-gen console with...
    Jun 22 2013 12:38 AM
  • Keviin's Photo
    (2/2) within a year of release anyway, I still don't own a Wii U too and I wanna look for the cheapest prices possible.
    Jun 22 2013 12:38 AM
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