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I´ve done a few tests on the internet, turns out I might be suffering from serious depression. Always thought there was something wrong with me.
Aug 03 2013 12:54 AM
  • Chrop's Photo
    According to the internet, i was suppose to die months ago... don't go to the internet for help, it's useless.
    Aug 03 2013 03:39 AM
  • Keviin's Photo
    I know a lot of these tests are BS, but some of the tests were well.. tested, by some big organization (didn't do too much resource) and most websites give the same symptoms of depression, of which I really have most.So yeah.. kinda need to get myself tested I think. TBH I haven't been happy since ages.. I lost joy in most things.
    Aug 06 2013 02:54 PM
  • Keviin's Photo
    I always make jokes about emo's, me being depressed and stuff.. truth is, I've done selfharm and I still have suicidal thoughts. I feel like I'm literally sick in my head sometimes, like really f***d up. I feel lonely every moment of the day, and my list of reasons for sadness grows..
    Aug 06 2013 02:56 PM
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