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Sup guys, I think I'm buying one of these two laptops. Toshiba C855 or C850. C855 has 8GB RAM/750GB HDD at 575 euros, C850 has 4GB/500GB at 530 euros. Both core i5. What do? My initial budget was 500...
Aug 23 2013 07:00 AM
  • Nintyfan's Photo
    expensive than a similarly equipped Core i3-3217U system.
    Aug 23 2013 08:09 AM
  • Keviin's Photo
    Thanks, I think I´m going for a i5 even though I´m a real cheapskate. The cheapest I´ve seen in my country (accompanied by other decent specs) is the Toshiba C850 I listed, which is only 30 euros above my budget. I want to know if the C855 is worth it though. I don't think I need the extra HDD storage (I don't download many movies etc. anyway), but it does have 8GB RAM (which I think is primarily good for gaming).
    Aug 25 2013 12:55 AM
  • Keviin's Photo
    The 855 also has a pretty good GPU I heard, but I don't know about the 850. I'm going to a graphic school, but they explicitly said in a letter that we don't have to buy a good laptop of pc for it. Still, being able to run Photoshop etc. decently would be great. I know the C855 is able to, but is the C850 (or any laptop with i5)? Also I'm not looking for a great gaming rig or something, I have consoles for that but I still want to play some games with medium settings if possible
    Aug 25 2013 12:58 AM
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