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SO MANY INTERNET ERRORS ON MY WII U IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY ANYMORE. My laptop works fine (standing next to my Wii U), my phone works fine, my Xbox works alright (connected to cable)... but I'm having so many disconnects! What should I do? Downloading WWHD is a pain in the ass. Should I connect my Wii U to the internet with a cable?
Oct 05 2013 01:03 PM
  • Mewbot's Photo
    Maybe your router isn't designed for that many connections?
    Oct 05 2013 05:05 PM
  • Keviin's Photo
    well we do have a tab, a phone, a pc, an xbox/wii u and two laptops that use internet. But they all work fine but the Wii U..
    Oct 06 2013 12:20 PM
  • Mewbot's Photo
    The same thing used to happen to my Wii before we got a better router. The router just kinda ignored the Wii, still giving it the slightest of connections. But not enough to really connect to much.
    Oct 06 2013 06:56 PM
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