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Does anyone have experiences with therapy? rainbow is really going down lately, I've never felt this unstable in my life before
Mar 15 2014 01:31 PM
  • KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums's Photo
    I've never had therapy, but from what I've heard it can help, and if it isn't helping you can just tell your therapist so and ask them to recommend you another who might be better for you. Like I said though I've never actually had therapy myself so I could be wrong.
    Mar 15 2014 02:19 PM
  • Mignaga's Photo
    Actually WydrA you're exactly right. These people will help you to the best of their abilities to find someone who fits your needs. In fact, tell them outright what you just told us, and you'll be ahead of the game.
    Mar 15 2014 02:48 PM
  • Keviin's Photo
    Thanks guys. Tbh I don't even know how to get a therapist in my country, so I probably need to ask a few people who are in therapy themselves (which I don't exactly know many of). Many people who don't get threatment can end up dead, and I don't want to die unhappy. I've been living like this for the last few years so I think it's time for change.
    Mar 16 2014 02:51 AM
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