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I need an RE7 reveal already, but we probably have to wait until at least 2015 I fear. inb4 RE sucks since 4
Apr 12 2014 09:05 AM
  • Gimbal's Photo
    Resident Evil 4 was the first I played. I haven't played any before 4. I liked 5 and 6. I still play them on occasion too.
    Apr 12 2014 04:49 PM
  • Keviin's Photo
    First one I played was RE1, second I played was RE4. So I 'grew up' with both sides of Resident Evil. I don't understand people who want to go back to RE0-3 style again. Fixed camera is extremely outdated, just like the controls. Also item management sucks big time, and combat didn't require nearly as much skill als in RE4-6. I'd like to see game like Lost in Nightmares.
    Apr 13 2014 12:47 AM
  • Keviin's Photo
    And yeah Revelations was a real good step in the right direction, minus the action parts with repetetive enemies and linear level design.
    Apr 13 2014 12:48 AM
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