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My ex girlfriend is missing. We just broke up and she's mentally unstable. Wish me luck bro's.
Apr 29 2014 04:58 AM
  • xile6's Photo
    Yea she is going to kidnap you. Lol. Hope she turns up soon alive and healthy
    Apr 29 2014 01:03 PM
  • Keviin's Photo
    She turned up, but grounded by her parents for obvious reasons so I haven't spoken her in days.
    Apr 30 2014 11:46 PM
  • KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums's Photo
    LOL I didn't check your age, so I thought you were in your 20's. Got a lttle confused when you started talking about being grounded...
    May 01 2014 04:40 AM
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