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So is a Radeon HD 8670m a decent laptop gpu? I'm already going beyond my original budget for a decent laptop and the only better option is a GeForce GT 750m for 50 euros extra.
May 04 2014 05:22 AM
  • Mahmoodinho98's Photo
    if you dont have a gaming pc i suggest you get one because laptops are pretty expensive if you wanna game

    if your budget is up to 500 i can give you a great build below 500 that can run crisis 3 at 30 frames on high
    May 04 2014 07:41 AM
  • Tom's Photo
    http://www.notebookcheck.net/AMD-Radeon-HD-8670M.87211.0.html Food-for-thought benchmarks.
    May 04 2014 07:54 AM
  • Keviin's Photo
    My primary use is not gaming. Initially I was looking for a laptop that can run Adobe (and other) tools I use for school properly, and I found plenty within my budget that are sufficient. But gaming is also a nice extra (to play games I normally wouldn't buy on consoles). Low settings are usually good enough for me because that looks like X360/PS3 games.
    May 04 2014 09:07 AM
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