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I'm getting more and more anxious for E3. The fear of being dissapointed. But while fearing this, I can't be really dissapointed right? I just hope they show some surprising games and not rainbow no one wants like Wii Sport U.
May 31 2014 05:57 AM
  • Keviin's Photo
    Zelda (or Metroid) is basically the only thing I want but I'm more and more doubting Nintendo will deliver. They seem to be hyping HW up a lot, and for a lot of people it's working, so why reveal Zelda U? But yeah there will be some good games and I have no doubt Nintendo will be the winner of E3 for me.
    May 31 2014 07:52 AM
  • Chrop's Photo
    How to not be disappointed.
    Don't expect anything, that way you'll be happy that something exciting happens and not disappointed when nothing happens, because you expected nothing anyway.
    May 31 2014 09:27 AM
  • Waller's Photo
    I'll be satisfied if they just talk a little about SMTxFE.
    May 31 2014 09:45 AM
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