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Turbo Tails 8027 → AMAC
Happy 17th AMAC! And I was glad I could meet such a speed freak so early in my stay in these forums! XOD
Sep 22 2011 09:28 AM
Thanks Turbo! Yeah, I am a bit of a speed freak, especially when it comes to Formula 1.
Sep 22 2011 11:38 AM -
Turbo Tails 8027
Hehe~ Glad to have a rival in that case. (For me, it's F1 as said, and high-speed racing games, like F-Zero, WipEout, TrackMania etc.)
Sep 23 2011 01:53 AM -
Turbo Tails 8027
Also, y'haven't been a member that much longer than me, only 3 months.
Sep 25 2011 02:28 PM