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All this arguing over the internet and having facts outright ignored and rejected makes me tired. This is pretty much why I'm usually very quiet and don't post on forums much. Whew. The obstinate wear my patience down. At least I didn't start yelling - that always solves things on the internet. Time for a nap.
Jan 26 2012 04:11 PM
Superdarkyoshi: Certainly - I do generally try to watch things like language as such, though I tend to converse in a manner geared more toward fellow older users. No worries.
Squish: There IS certainly always that, haha. I'm pretty sure there was an xkcd strip about something like this, too. "Someone's WRONG on the internet!" It just wears you down and accomplishes nothing. I said what needed to be said, anyway, and backed everything with evidence.
Jan 27 2012 03:57 AM -
Huh, looks like the last part of that cut off.
GameCollector: I know. ;) That part was intended to be sarcasm, though sarcasm isn't always clear on the internet.
Auzzie Wingman: At last! Half a year later! Haha.
Jan 27 2012 03:58 AM