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Yet again, I've found it too unbearrble to watch the nostalgia critic because of his humor and critical reviewing of an adaquate movie. Star Chaser isn't all that bad. It might piss off Star Wars fans, but only if they worship George Lucas.
Apr 24 2012 07:19 PM
  • Sage's Photo
    I thought the movie looked ok. Never watched it though.
    Apr 24 2012 07:26 PM
  • Andy's Photo
    I've always seen his reviews as more of a show than an actual serious review (like with the Angry Video Game Nerd).
    Apr 24 2012 07:54 PM
  • Xiombarg's Photo
    Yeah, but the AVGN never really criticised things simply because they were similar to something else. The Nostalgia Critic's reviews can run really long and he often recycles the same jokes in the same episode.
    It's harder to watch a commentary than an actual series. His other shorts and actual reviews show that Doug can actually be far more funny and enjoyable.
    Apr 24 2012 08:20 PM
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