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Why is it that nearly every IGN comment I read people are comparing the Wii U to the Dreamcast and Nintendo to SEGA???
Jul 17 2011 03:36 PM
  • Reaper Pin's Photo
    Reaper Pin
    Because IGN sucks.

    Not kidding.
    Jul 17 2011 04:38 PM
  • Caius Casshern Sins's Photo
    Caius Casshern Sins
    I saw on ign a recommend blog they had, it was called "Wii fans are A holes". When i saw this i couldn't stand the community of ign anymore, well most of them.
    Jul 17 2011 05:27 PM
  • Auzzie Wingman's Photo
    Auzzie Wingman
    IGN has always been a piss pot. The only reason ever to go there is to read the ever so rare unbiased articles they have once every decade.
    Jul 17 2011 10:14 PM
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