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I always find it absolutely hilarious when kickstarter-funded games STILL call themselves "indies" when they literally had thousands of users funding them.
Oct 12 2013 08:31 PM
  • Waller's Photo
    You're just twisting what the word independent means. It literally means that it doesn't depend on anything, it's self-reliant.

    The moment they depended on Kickstarter, they stopped being independent.
    Oct 12 2013 10:17 PM
  • NintendoReport's Photo
    You can't take each word and define it and then get a new meaning out of it. We all know independent game publishers mean either a solo or small team of devs not funded by a larger game publisher. Indie devs can still be considered indie because the funds are coming from individuals and not one large entity.
    Oct 13 2013 03:56 AM
  • Waller's Photo
    I'm just stating what the dictionary says the word means.

    But it IS coming from one large entity! It's called Kickstarter dude. It's not like those other large entities aren't formed from individuals.
    Oct 13 2013 09:33 AM
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