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Bill CipherFeld0

Just have somewhat of a question... Are you planning to put a cap on the number of guides that will be allowed?
Jul 30 2011 09:59 AM
  • Feld0's Photo
    (possible to say hi to new members). Argh, IP.Board cut off the end of my comment.
    Jul 30 2011 08:11 PM
  • Bill Cipher's Photo
    Bill Cipher
    That makes sense. On another topic involving welcoming new members,is Necroposting allowed? I ask because I've seen several incedent where people will reply to a Welcome topic nearly 2 weeks after, and by that time the person's either settled in or they aren't visit the forum anymore
    Jul 31 2011 09:51 AM
  • Feld0's Photo
    Necroposting isn't allowed. I'm afraid people still do it from time to time, and I don't quite understand why. But in any case, post count is disabled in Introduction Central.
    Jul 31 2011 11:54 AM
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