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After trading in Mario Tennis Open and Pokemon Black into Gamestop yesterday, I only needed to pay $2.45 for my entire pre-purchase of Black 2. I'm now going to pick my copy up in around 3 hours. GET HYPE.

Certainly not the game but trading in TWO really good games to get ONE good game seem like a rip-off. I don't like trade-in deals.
Oct 07 2012 08:27 AM -
IMO, Mario Tennis Open gets a little stale after beating it 20 times, and its replay value is by no means valuable. Trading in Black was inevitable, because I've acquired all the Pokemon except Meloetta and Genesect, and by the time they do a Meloetta and Genesect event, Black & White 2 will already have been out for a while.
Oct 07 2012 08:58 AM -
It's all a matter of opinion on those games. I personally don't like selling my games unless they are TERRIBLE!
Oct 07 2012 10:18 AM