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I've found that by hiding all YouTube comments, my life has improved a solid 7.8%
Jan 04 2015 08:03 PM
  • Raiden's Photo
    nah I do what I do because I like doing it. Not sayig I do anything good just enjoy doing it. I also make them when I feel in the mood so I don't force it. I only talk about what I want to which is always gaming. Easy for me as that's all I talk about offline anyway lol
    Jan 04 2015 08:46 PM
  • KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums's Photo
    Well that's what /all/ youtubers used to do. Now pretty much the whole thing is a crap fest. I think it was Nigahiga that said youtube used to be for nerdy kids who loved making videos and that's all they wanted to do. Now it's for the "popular" kids who's interest is money and fame, and nothing really to do with content. oOr something similar, and it's very true.
    I used to stay up until like 4 am every night watching a long list of youtubers, now the only one...
    Jan 05 2015 02:18 AM
  • KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums's Photo
    I still follow seriously is sWooZie, cause he doesn't do any of the above mentioned things (except links to his last vid and the occasional jump cut) and he actually has a bunch of different things he likes to make videos about. None of them forced. It's great stuff.
    Jan 05 2015 02:18 AM
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