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Expansion Pak

I really hope Revolution DLC comes to Wii U. In fact, I see no reason why it shouldn't be. They released BO 2 on the U and its doing well, so why wouldn't they bring the DLC? I really hope this doesn't become one of those, " I'm afraid of supporting Wii U because it has Wii in the name" situations.
Jan 14 2013 02:40 PM
  • Expansion Pak's Photo
    Expansion Pak
    How do you like demolition yuuki?

    Jan 16 2013 08:51 PM
  • CNR's Photo
    Pretty fun actually, its more fun than domination even though you basically do the same thing just with a different concept. I can easily say from the matches that i played that there are........EXPLOSIONS....EXPLOSIONS EVERYWHERE!
    Jan 16 2013 11:30 PM
  • nintendo3DS's Photo
    LOl, Yuuki. I love Demolition, it's my favorite gamemode and so is S&D.
    Jan 18 2013 05:55 PM
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