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Expansion Pak

So...apparently only Sega and Ubisoft like AND fully support the Wii U. I'm pretty sure the only 3rd party for the Wii U is the George Washington DLC for AC3 (Correct me if im wrong). #Stupid3rdparties
Jun 04 2013 09:56 PM
  • Byakuya Togami's Photo
    Byakuya Togami
    Yes, it is stupid for third parties to not support a system that is selling badly
    Jun 05 2013 04:57 AM
  • Expansion Pak's Photo
    Expansion Pak
    T_T it is selling badly because they don't support it.
    Jun 05 2013 05:19 AM
  • Byakuya Togami's Photo
    Byakuya Togami
    Which is why the Wii was a commercial failure, right? Oh wait, it wasn't. Wii U had third party support at the beginning, then sales declined dramatically. Of course devs aren't going to support it until they have a reason to. It's called a business.
    Jun 05 2013 08:24 AM
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