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Expansion Pak

I thought of this idea for SSB4: Team Final Smashs. Ok, so in a battle it would be 2 vs 2. And lets use Mario and Luigi as an example: So Mario and Luigi are on one team and a Smash ball appears. Mario gets it and activates his final smash, but since Luigi is on his team the Final Smash is different. Mario activates it and Luigi jumps on the field, but instead of regular Luigi its Dreamy Luigi (from M&L: Dream Team). Luigi goes inside of Mario and Mario does his Dreamy jump combo and giv...
Aug 22 2013 11:05 AM
  • Expansion Pak's Photo
    Expansion Pak
    (cont.) gives the opponent the Buried effect. As a finisher Mario turns the Luiginary into the Luigi hammer and pounds the enemy doing tremendous damage. It would look awesome in-game :D
    Aug 22 2013 11:07 AM
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