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Tricky Sonic

Crimson Shroud is the best $7.99 i've ever spent! Get it on the 3DS eShop NOW!
Dec 13 2012 04:20 PM
  • SolxBurst's Photo
    I need a run down on what makes it good, and its battle system. I dont even know what it is about. Just that it is an RPG
    Dec 13 2012 05:09 PM
  • Tricky Sonic's Photo
    Tricky Sonic
    It's a table top RPG in video game form. It's really fun. If you ever played d&d you would feel comfortable
    Dec 13 2012 06:06 PM
  • SolxBurst's Photo
    That is weird, but cool. I am very intrigued and will add it to my e-shop wishlist for now.
    Dec 13 2012 06:18 PM
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