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I'm getting a U Christmas Day, and I was just wondering how long the combined updates will take. I might convince my mom to let me update it the day before (its actually for my tiny brother and me) so we can get right to playing it on Christmas.
Dec 19 2012 12:54 PM
  • Tricky Sonic's Photo
    Tricky Sonic
    The initial update will take around 45 minutes take or give but the additional update isn't as long. Each game will have an initial update as well. I'd give yourself around an hour and a half or so to fully update
    Dec 19 2012 01:00 PM
  • BanjoKazooie's Photo
    Ok, that isn't all that bad, I can just play games on Xbox or Playstation while it is updating.
    Dec 19 2012 02:29 PM
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