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Sonic lost world is looking worse and worse each trailer. Is it just the same cylindrical course but with different atmospheres? It just looks so copy and paste!
Aug 04 2013 07:41 AM
  • BanjoKazooie's Photo
    Not really, super mario galaxy's different planets had different shapes and sizes and things to do. The new trailer just shows sonic running on different themed cylinders, that pretty much look the same. There is a big difference. But I will wait till the game comes out to judge further.
    Aug 04 2013 08:43 AM
  • Chrop's Photo
    Um, we have only seen about 5 levels you know... the 3 green hill zone ones, some candy level and a casino level, they all look different to me, so unless you're comparing 2 of the same levels, they all look different.
    Aug 04 2013 08:54 AM
  • BanjoKazooie's Photo
    And the silent forest and desert level. But I will just wait until the game releases and play it before I say anything more about it.
    Aug 04 2013 09:24 AM
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