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NSMB2 download just finished. Guess I know what I'm gonna be doin when I'm bored for the next month or two :)
Aug 22 2012 05:09 PM
  • Robotic Sunshine Commander's Photo
    Robotic Sunshine Commander
    cool but u get nsmb2 but u wont get the wii u game? i just dont get how the 3ds one is almost any different from the wii game lol. but have fun i guess thats all that matters

    Aug 22 2012 05:38 PM
  • BanjoKazooie's Photo
    I'm not getting the wii u game cause it's not a game I can sit down and play. I like to do it level by level when I need a minute or two to pass by. Although u probably will end up caving in and buying NSMBU in February or march.. Maybe sooner.
    Aug 23 2012 03:12 AM
  • BanjoKazooie's Photo
    Aug 23 2012 03:13 AM
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