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Just got my schedule, they forgot to give me and english class,now should i get it fixed... Or try an flow with it... See how things play out.
Aug 31 2012 03:57 PM
  • Tricky Sonic's Photo
    Tricky Sonic
    lol...you are a special individual...or asian..
    Aug 31 2012 04:11 PM
  • WisdomPowerCourage's Photo
    I also hate English, but then again I also hate Social Studies, Science, Math, PE... How about we say I just don't like school. I get A's in all of them and Math I'm good at and sort of enjoy but to me school is just sooooooo boring. The only fun things are lunch, my art class, and marching band.
    Aug 31 2012 04:15 PM
  • BanjoKazooie's Photo
    I love math, and I'm white...
    Sep 01 2012 02:16 AM
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