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I look back at that day at wall mart and debated on whether to buy a Vita or 3ds for an hour. And for weeks i thought i made the wrong decision buying the 3ds. But now i have peace knowing I bought the right one. However, I am sad the VIta isnt doing well ,it had sooo much potential. Good luck Vita, I hope to own you one day..
Sep 09 2012 04:35 PM
  • 009soulmaster's Photo
    im actually gonna get a Vita when i have the moeny. possibly for christmas. vita should be a 2nd choice to gamers due to its poor library. but looking at the PSP t has good RPGs and persona 4 is being the vitas system seller. least for me. i want the solid gold edition :3
    Sep 09 2012 05:18 PM
  • Tricky Sonic's Photo
    Tricky Sonic
    I made the wrong choice. Bought a Vita...beat Gravity Rush..which is awesome... put Vita down..never touched again...not even any good games to import! So I traded it for my 3DS XL..best trade ever.
    Sep 09 2012 05:26 PM
  • BanjoKazooie's Photo
    Wow! That is a good trade. The 3DS library is very good and is godlike when compared to Vita. Again I really hope this changes, I want to play a vita with some good games.
    Sep 09 2012 05:37 PM
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