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Does anyone else think that the wii u is going to be the best nintendo system since SNES? I thought about it and it include 1. Gamepad 2. Motion controls 3. Tradition dual analog controller 4. Super powerful 5. Good 3rd party support 6. GREAT launch window 7. Amazing online with miiverse and the new nintendo network. They are seriously pleasing everyone.
Sep 16 2012 04:56 AM
  • BanjoKazooie's Photo
    Man, i wish I was alive in the NES SNES era... then I could more equally compare this system to those. But i think this will be there best system of my lifetime, hopefully better than N64, which had my favorite genre of video games, the find random junk/3D platformer genre.
    Sep 16 2012 07:34 AM
  • Tricky Sonic's Photo
    Tricky Sonic
    hands down yes
    Sep 16 2012 08:00 AM
  • Press's Photo
    Yea. It has everything you need! Even a toaster!
    Sep 16 2012 08:14 AM
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