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smash bros. winter 2014 = zelda u 2019
Apr 09 2014 12:02 AM
  • Keviin's Photo
    SM3DW did it. And it rocked.

    Zelda is confirmed for this E3 right? SS came out the year after its reveal, zo Zelda 2015 seems likely. HW will probably be a 2014 game.
    Apr 09 2014 07:17 AM
  • Chrop's Photo
    eeh, Zelda and SM3DW were both announced in January 2013 so...
    Apr 09 2014 07:48 AM
  • Gimbal's Photo
    Skyward Sword? Haha. Skyward Sword.

    That's me.

    @Chrop: True, but what I mean in terms of Zelda is that it hasn't been shown or titled yet at all. Anyway you're right. 3DWorld doesn't count.
    Apr 09 2014 07:56 AM
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