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lulz, people on wii u daily actually think the Wii U's successor will be out in 2016... And they all say they would be fine with that
Jan 13 2015 09:06 AM
  • Bill Cipher's Photo
    Bill Cipher
    No, it's possible at the least. Seriously, Miyamoto's comments on Mario being done on the Wii U, the AMD contract, general life cycle of Nintendo consoles dying after 4 years. It's better for Nintendo to end the Wii U strong then have another Wii, where they let it die slowly.
    Jan 13 2015 03:02 PM
  • Raiden's Photo
    lol no and stop assuming that AMD thing is even Nintendo. Not once has that ever been said it's Nintendo for 2016. SO many micro consoles and devices for gaming can be anything. Never once said Nintendo 2016 device. Also all consoles makers start development on a system right after launch. No the shortest life any Nintendo console has had is 5 years and even then Gamecube was manufactured for a couple more years.
    Jan 13 2015 03:06 PM
  • Raiden's Photo
    Wii U is not struggling at all people don't understans sales don't equal success. Profit does and Nintendo is a very conservative company. They make profit so Wii U is a success. Nintendo is not stupid enough to pull a SEGA and release a console too early. That ruins your financials and trust with consumers and devs.
    Jan 13 2015 03:10 PM
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