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i miss having a game that i can really get into, all of nintendo's recent games you play with friends and/or in short bursts
Jan 31 2015 04:05 PM
  • Hunter's Photo
    I tried the demo but sadly i don't think it is my sort of game. I may buy it when I have a bit more spare cash or it gets cheaper.

    For now I've downloaded Metroid Prime Trilogy, hopefully that will do the trick
    Jan 31 2015 04:17 PM
  • NintendoReport's Photo
    OK :)
    Jan 31 2015 04:23 PM
  • xile6's Photo
    Yea. I remember the games that would take a month to beat. Now there all done within 3 days or less. It's not just nintendo tho its all companies
    Jan 31 2015 08:07 PM
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