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Caius Casshern Sins

next week is May, so close to E3
Apr 23 2012 04:33 AM
  • Crackkat's Photo
    short wait, cos we're gonna have plenty of game footage, interviews, conferences and new info to keep coming in until the launch. this wait is more painful cos there is almost nothing to keep the patience
    Apr 23 2012 07:22 AM
  • Deadly Virus's Photo
    Deadly Virus
    Don't forget that there'll probably be one or two games still to be announced in the time between E3 and the system launch. Expect a couple of big titles to be held back until TGS so they can really get the hype rolling in the last few months.
    Apr 23 2012 11:28 AM
  • Crackkat's Photo
    expect a tonne of big titles to be announced after E3. because nintendo is probably going last, meaning after the third parties, meaning the third parties still wont be able to talk much at their own E3 presentations cos they have to wait for nintendo. so we will get most info after E3
    Apr 23 2012 11:32 AM
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