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Caius Casshern Sins

Received a email from Feld0 about the situation. Finally!!! he actually contacted us about the constant DDoS attacks on mlp forums and had to get a new host for his server.
May 05 2012 11:03 PM
  • GeneralCraezy's Photo
    Hey Feld0, how come you don't come on here as much anymore? :T
    May 06 2012 05:51 AM
  • Xiombarg's Photo
    Feldo, these attacks are happening because some people don't like your site. If you follow what goes on online, there are massive communities that hate bronies and MLP.
    People get pleasure from DDOS attacks and it is a common method on 4chan like sites.
    May 06 2012 08:05 AM
  • GeneralCraezy's Photo
    people get pleasure from them... lol... ...... I'm so immature o_o
    May 06 2012 09:52 AM
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