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Art of Balance is coming to Wii U. It has advanced physics rendered at 240 fps, and stunning graphics. It the Wii U next gen yet? http://images.nintendolife.com/news/2014/02/exclusive_shinen_multimedia_bringing_art_of_balance_to_the_wii_u_eshop/attachment/0/large.jpg
Feb 07 2014 06:23 AM
  • Mewbot's Photo
    Yeah, but those graphics..
    Feb 07 2014 06:52 AM
  • Tom's Photo
    I mean, not to burst anyone's bubble, but that's the only screen you'll ever see in the game aside from the menus, so there's not exactly that much to render.
    Feb 07 2014 06:57 AM
  • NintendoReport's Photo
    It's not next gen, it's future gen. Amazing
    Feb 07 2014 07:55 AM
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