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That moment where you realise you're not really impressed by anything gaming related anymore :'(
Jun 15 2015 09:33 PM
I honestly don't know how Nintendo can turn it around though. It's not like they did much wrong with the Wii U (about as much wrong as the other two did). I feel like there's just a negative stigma surrounding Nintendo no matter what they do. Gonna be hard to break that. I hope they can though.
Jun 16 2015 03:09 AM -
YES! Finally someone that agrees with me. There is a mjor negative stigma surrounding Nintendo. just look at the recent DLC backlash they are getting over smash. Gamers soak up and buy DLC and season passes like its nothing but people are now complaining that nintendo is charging 6 dollars for a smash character? I seriously don't see this ever changing unless Nintendo becomes a clone of Sony/Microsoft.... because thats what the industry wants.
Jun 16 2015 04:03 AM -
It's $7 for a character and their stage for both versions of Smash Bros. Really not a bad deal.
Jun 16 2015 10:26 PM